Locaton: St John’s, Kihonda, Morogoro

St John’s Anglican Parish of Morogoro Diocese Tanzania started in 2014.

The Parish started with four Churches which are, St. John’s, Mkundi, CCT and VETA. When the Parish started it had 505 members within the congregation. This has grown and is currently the 855. The number of Christians has grown up as a result of Mission and Evangelism.

St. John’s Parish operates under the leadership of the Priest in charge Revd Reginald Mdugi, who is assisted by Catechists and Church elders.

We have begun the process of being linked with St John’s. A first visit is planned for late 2018. We hope to be partners in some of St John’s exciting projects bringing educations to children and young people and supporting the work of the Mother’s Union as they visit prisoners.

Key Facts

Started in 2014Congregation grown to 855Priest-in-Charge: Revd Reginold Mdugi First visit took place in late 2018 by the Revd Claire Lording.

St John's Church, B129, Morogoro, Tanzania